Sunday, March 15, 2020

Vector Circulation

Adobe Illustrator Circulation Paths

With the skills gained in the week prior and the additional skills gained in the online tutorial, using Adobe Illustrator to construct this image I felt more comfortable and confident with the software.

Graphical Representation

Adobe Illustrator Infographic

This was the first time I had used Adobe Illustrator, I initially found it quite fiddly though I eventually got the hang of it by the end.

Week 2 Colour Relations

Colour Theory and Harmony

Tutorial helped gain an understanding of word associated colour palettes as seen below for the 'weather'.

Design Elements and Lingo

Composite Image Week 1

Photoshop Composition

Online tutorials provided an additional layer of help when constructing the required composite image.  It solidified my past knowledge and introduced new skills I aim to get more familiar with.

Week 1 Sketching

Sketching and Mediums

Week 1 of BENV1010 Tutorial allowed me to explore architectural sketching with a number of mediums such as charcoal and fine liners are varying thicknesses.  These introductory sketching activities also re-introduced me to numerous shading techniques such as hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling.  Though not unfamiliar with these practices it was enjoyable to engage with during the tutorial.

Week 9 Statement